The Passage • lmc001

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The Passage • lmc001


Deep: 3 - Length: 12 - Width: 12
Trilogy price $1200 -
Oil/Cold Wax medium on panel framed.
The Desert Fathers and Mothers were a third century community of Christian hermit monks who followed a call leave the comfortable world of civilization for a rough and difficult existence in the desert. They undertook this mission as a call from God to release worldly attachments. Settling in the dry and harsh conditions of desert living, they lived the tenets of simplicity, contemplation and community as a spiritual commitment to a life in God. Their days were spent in meditation, prayer, praise and service. Many of their mystical writings survive and inspire modern Christian monastic communities and orders. Their lives serve as a metaphorical story of the inner journey that invites each of us to join, release our attachments to the stuff of the world and go inward to seek the heart of peace. 


In these paintings I attempt to visually express three stages of the journey within. First there is the call, the invitation that arises in the heart but is still impeded by the barrier wall of culture and material desires. When the journey is accepted, there is a passage, often blind and shadowy but with a haunting beauty that draws one forward and inward. Finally there is a third stage, the refuge or dwelling place where deepest trust and the divine silence can be experienced and lived. 

Lynn McLure

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